It's really hard to do a "Year in Review". Just because "recent" memory is foremost in our thoughts. This year was not a terrible year but it had it's down/bad moments.
I think it would be best to to back and hit the high points of the year~~
**I joined Knitters Treat Exchange and was paired up with my new friend Terri from "Down Undah"
**At the Spring Spinners Retreat @ Hawks Nest I met and "forged" another blogger friendship. Her name? Robin! ("forged" if you're not a reader of her blog, I'll fill y'all in...her Hubby took a blacksmithing class while she took a spinning class at John C Campbell earlier this year)
**Continually connected on a "cosmic level" with my buddy GourdonGirl...who I'll get to meet in person this summer!
**We took several camping trips and one big trip to AZ, where I was caught knitting at the game!
**I tried my "hands" at another hobby~~pun intended!! Which I found was great for some of the summer frustrations I experienced!
**Friends & Family made my birthday very special!
**Jenn sent me a great Football-a-long Swap package...I wish her all the luck for the coming year~~she's going to have a big one!
**In May DD and I joined Weight Watchers with success. Now, we're not finished yet, but so far she's lost 42 lbs and I've lost 25 lbs (and 3 pant sizes)...Christmas has been a landmine for me, I just know I've gained.
**There were 2 BIG things that happened this year~~Son #2 is getting married in 2009 and DSD blessed us with our first Grandson, Landon.
**Just this month Son #1 gave me a Christmas present I've wanted for 8 years...he completed his GED and has enrolled in College courses!! Now I have 3 kids in college!
Speaking of Son #1...he finally rid himself and the family of TGFH forever!
The year 2007 left a lot of sadness in the hearts of many close to us. I pray for the healing of those hearts. Peace & Happiness is never far away...
My Knitting count for the year goes as follows:
8 pairs of socks
2 stoles
4 charity items
2 vests
2 baby sweaters
1 calorimetry
1 baby blanket
1 felted flamingo
Wow...I feel like I've been knitting more than that this year!
I look forward to a bright and shiny 2008 with many joys and success for everyone. I appreciate all the new friendships I've made this year and look forward to getting to know you all better in the coming year.
Thanks for your friendship and all your inspirational knitting and kind words as I slowly work through my queue of projects. Which grows on a daily basis...I'll never get it all done~~Have you seen Anne's new pattern? She's going to be the death of me!
Thank you ALL for coming back to read my ramblings...being a friend in the time of need and keeping me laughing!!
Happy New Year Everybody!!!
Keep on Knittn' & Spinnin' in 2008!!