Monday, August 28, 2006

The Secret Is Out!

T minus 3 and counting...and SP8 is over for me!

I managed to fool my spoilee Aileen the entire time, even though she told me at the beginning of the month she thought she had me figured out! HAH--My package arrived today to her great surprise...I wasn't who she thought I was!!!
I sent her a spindle and wrist distaff I made along with some fiber and a book to learn to spin. She had mentioned she would love to learn to spin...Hey, they dont' call me "The Enabler" for nothing!

I won't get into the rant...but I've not had a good weekend! If you've been reading my blog you know that I was so ECSTATIC when my oldest son ended his relationship with "The Cancer" (I have worse words for her)----NOT! News came this weekend that wasn't good. I'll leave it at that because I don't think you guys need all the sorted details...I could write a reality show with this one! But she'd be better on "Jerry Springer"!
Oh a good friend said to me today--"This too shall pass"


On the Knitting Front--more socks, planning a baby blanket, and a sweater for my Mom since she's been dropping heavy hints!
I haven't been spinning much...but the ole wheel has been calling to me!

We are suppose to go camping this weekend...I just hope this hurricane doesn't ruin our plans. My MIL is in the path of the storm...she lives in Cape Coral, FL.

That's all for now...Keep on Knittin' & Spinnin'!!!!!!


gourdongirl said...

If you NEED a rant or a friendly shoulder....You know where I'm at. Take care. xx

I hope the hurricane changes direction away from your loved ones.

Pam! said...

my MIL & sis are in the path as well but they don't seem too concerned. they drive me crazy with that!
Sorry about the new developments, whatver they may be...while they may pass it's the time it takes to pass that always gets me.