Thursday, November 16, 2006

Plans are being made...

I don't know how many of you will find this interesting but I must blog about "Granny Bowl 2006"...I know you are asking what the heck is that!'s not a huge bowl of buttery mashed potatoes...which in fact was awaiting us when we finished...Let me explain:

Every family gathering requires that some sport is to be played...Thanksgiving is football season--so we play golf! Are you kidding me...we play FOOTBALL! Plans are in the works but I am finding that the older I get the harder it is for me to play...not in ability---I get sore! The next day...and the day after that...and the day after that! We are supposed to play "tag" football...but in our family things get a little out of hand! And just like when we were kids my brother and I are opposing captains...choosing up our teams!

Last year we skipped our game because it was the first Thanksgiving without my Granny, the mood was to just sit and watch the games on the tube. It's hard to believe it's been 2 years without her...I do miss her VERY much! But she is in a better place now...

Here's a shot of the first--"Granny Bowl 2004" now you know what the "Granny Bowl" is! 1 week and counting...gotta get my game plan ready--and you probably think I'm kidding!

Keep on Knittin' & Spinnin'


JustApril said...


That's hilarious that you call it The Granny Bowl =)*)

Anonymous said...

That sounds like good fun! You'll have to do some practice lunges in the run up to it, get you all loosened up for it

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the offer, will see if anyone here can come up with it first....may be taking you up on it, can always swap for some nice craftspun yarn!

somebunnysloveDOTcom said...

That sounds like a perfect way to honor Granny! Hope you have a blast this year. Just no damage to the knitting hands! ;)

Mary said...

We have family football games every year during both the Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings. We've been doing this for about 30 years without major incident. That is, until last Christmas, when my BIL broke his ankle sliding down a hill in the endzone after catching a TD pass. That definitely put a damper on the rest of the day for us, and the next four months for him. But he was back throwing around the ball this past Saturday, so all's right with the world.