Wow, can you believe a year has gone by?
Something that's never done here is a "Year in Review" so here goes...
January brought new adventures & new "fur babies" to the family - I challenged myself to a steeking project in 2007, this month the time came to actually CUT MY KNITTING!
February more steeking, mailbox surprises and new dyeing adventures...remember Eva Braun?
March button adventures (for Kauni), "grandpuppy" sitting, grandson visit, my favorite season...BASEBALL is back...renewed hope for a better season (only to feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you by June)! every March brings our semi-annual trip to Hawks Nest for the Spinners Retreat!
April the beginning of growing season, camping - including "false Bigfoot" and scary, bad news about my brother's health, but it turned out fine.
May more camping, fibery stuff, another month of sadness with the passing of my 4 legged nephew, Hank...and our trip to Kentucky, where Hubby made local headlines!
June WWKIP Day and our first Stitch & Pitch at our local Minor League baseball park, lots more stuff from our trip to Kentucky, our "Top Secret" Anniversary trip I had planned for Hubby, the dreaded Friday the 13th included me wrecking my truck, still more fibery goodness going on...and Hubby's birthday!
July my post remembering the 145th Anniversary of Gettysburg, lots of Ace & Milo antics, garden shots, knittin' with my niece and that video that brought everyone to tears in 2008!
August brought my birthday...and my very first 5K race! Milo came to live with us for a couple weeks (we were so sure he was going to stay for good) it was so sad to see him leave, sad news came from a friend afar-my thoughts and prayers are still sent to her on a daily basis, lots more fibery goodness...including an eye opening realization I have a HUGE stash issue, putting up for the winter (which we are still enjoying today) and Ravelympics. August 20th became a very special day in our learn later what that's about.
September still more fibery goodness goin' on, Landon's 1st birthday - which meant literally driving through a hurricane to get to his party! Finishing a very special project for my very special friends wedding day! The long awaited beach trip where we met a camping buddy and a blogbuddy!
October the big news this month was the introduction of our new "fur baby" - Rudy (who was born on Aug. 20th--see August)
November brought the loss of my blogging mojo...but thankfully not my knitting mojo (otherwise known as my sanity), Milo's birthday and baseball news that is very exciting (okay so maybe I'm the only one excited) and my second 5K race on Thanksgiving day.
December found my blogging mojo (or I made myself do it), more knitting projects...of course! Found a new use for Youtube--Music Monday's and I entered the "digital age"! Yet again we lost another neighbor.
I can't say that Christmas was the best...a VERY unwanted visitor came on Christmas Eve that pretty much put me out, good thing I had all my stuff done...the family just had to wait on me. I got well enough to go to Williamsburg only to have Hubby come down with the dreaded bug on Saturday while we were there!! Rudy had a blast and thought that it should be called "Rudyburg"! I think I'm going to have to call the breeder and ask for a commission, I gave out his name so many times!
Here's to a fantastic 2009, I raise my glass to everyone in a toast -- "In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, never in want"!
Thank you all for continuing to read my blathering!
Keep on Knittin' & Spinnin'!!!
whew! What a year we all had. I'm both glad it's over and sad to see it end. That's just weird.
Here's to 2009 and continued health & hapiness (Christmas illness aside).
Here's to a great 2009!
Blessings to you and yours in the new year!
Rudy is so cute! Sam and Louie says Happy New Year to Rudy!
I hope 2009 is good to all of us!
Happy New Year!
I enjoyed your recap and remembered most of it! YAY!
Wishing you a wonderful and Happy 2009!
Happy "Knit" Year!
Here's to 2009! (and friendship!)
Happy New Year!
Wow, some great achievements in there. It's been wonderful to share it all with you. Here's to a wonderful 2009 full of new adventures!
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