Hi Everybody!! Ace here...
I'm feeling much better, thanks for all the kind thoughts sent my way. This past week was a very confusing one for me.

All I know is...last Sunday night I was spending a little time with my "pillow"....the next minute I was hurting really bad.
Mom tried everything to help me. She massaged my back but that hurt...she gave me little orange pills, but I still hurt...and she cranked the heat up in my bed, which helped until I got out of bed. Nothing was helping! She called my Dr. who gave her this stuff that made me see "little pink mice"...I hate mice~they scare me! That medicine made me feel so weird!

After many days in my bed...I "jumped" on Momma's bed Saturday morning for the first time in a week. I actually JUMPED! I can wag my tail (unlike other felines, I wag my tail (like a dog) when I'm happy)...I feel SO much better.
However...there is just one problem~~
Momma's taken away my pillow & blanket! Hmmmm, but she leaves her fuzzy robe on the end of the bed...
What's a 93 year old Kitty to do?
Keep on Knittin' & Spinnin'!!!
Awww, Ace, I'm so sorry it's been a lousy, weird week for you... however, I'm more than glad to see you're doing better! XOXOX
Awww, sweet Ace I'm glad you're feeling better. My mama says I wag my tail like a "dog" too, and play fetch like one.
But I've never seen one so I have no idea what she's talking about.
Stay on the mend.
Awww Ace, the indignities!
I hope you're feeling better. Tell Mom to snuggle you, lots.
p.s. Tell your mom I just tried to email and it bounced. Thanks.
Aw, Mr Ace, I'm so glad you're feeling much better!
I'm so glad you're feeling better, Mr. Ace!
Thanks for the update Ace, I was hoping you'd have a good report.
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better Mr. Ace.
The photos of Ace are adorable. Glad he's feeling better.
So glad you're feeling better, Ace!
Yay - - I'm delighted to read that his back is feeling better. (From one lumbar patient to another, Ace, get well!) :0)
Hooray! I'm sooooo happy you're better Mr. Ace! I know Meezer will be too when I tell her. Take care, and snooze more, jump a little less - that's what you do at 93!
At least give him his pillow back!!!! ;)
Hi Ace: So glad to hear you're more like your old self.
I'm so glad that your feeling better Ace!
Sorry that mommy took away your pillow & blankie! :P
What a cute face you have Ace! Glad you're feeling better. Now where is that pillow?
Oh Ace, Ace, Ace...
Glad you are on the mend...Georgie (who also wags his tail, rather whips his tail, when he is happy).
Glad Ace is feeling better, but sorry he had to go through that (and you, too, it's hard when you can't relieve the pain) Stay well Ace!
glad you're feeling better buddy. i hate being sick. i hate medicine. the dr. taught mom a trick for my worm medicine... sometimes the humans are very mean. don't fall for that "it hurts me more than it hurts you" bit. although i DO always feel better afterwords.
enjoy the extra attention.
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