I call this one..."Glowing Spring"
I'm still playing around with my "old" film camera. "Trick" photography has always fascinated me...playing with the shutter speeds, various lens angles and film is FUN!
How do you think I achieved the effects in this photo? No...I haven't altered it in any way, well, except for resizing it for uploading.
While you are thinking about that question~~I'll ask another...
What are you doing for Earth Day today?
My thoughts of what do to started over the weekend. While we were camping I started picking up after the
When you hear about the possibility of State Parks closings (please give Birdsong any support you can)...you'd think people would do more to take care of what we have! It costs the State money to pay for maintenance and clean up...I'd love to catch someone leaving their trash. They would hear my full rant...and...I know what my name would be! It would start with a "B"!!
"Pack it in--Pack it out"!!
.....and I started (about a month ago) using my own tote bags at the grocery store!
Okay, now for the first question. Did you figure out my "trickery"?
Infrared film
It creates some really dramatic effects with the fresh shoots of greenery, it glows. Awesome huh?
Thanks for all your kind thoughts about my 4-legged nephew, Hank. He's going to be missed so much by all of us. It's just a waiting game now...
Keep on Knittin' & Spinnin'!!!
Cool photo! It looks like you have flowers surrounded by snow, very eclectic affect.
I don't get the litter bugs either, it's SO RUDE, thoughtless, selfish, stupid and as bad as the intellects that throw the lit cig butts out the windows and start grass fires that burn down people's houses. If I had a laser death ray.... lol
aaahh vigilante justice, where's Batman when you need him?
(((more hugs for Hank)))
oh yeah, I didn't know it was Earth day, but I did vast amounts of energy conservation. I slept half the day and didn't turn on the air conditioner even though it's nearly friggin 90 degrees! }=0\ - I gotta move away from this kiln I live in UGH
Very interesting photo! Well done!
neat photo...thanks for the tip!
That is an awesome photo!! Kind of looks like a snowy hill in the background of the flowers... cool!
I have been sick for Earth Day... I have been wanting a new dogwood tree for my front yard, I think that would be a good thing for Earth Day, have to see if Lowes has any this time of year.
I've definitely thought about getting the reusable bags. Especially for trips to Wal-Mart where they don't offer paper sacks that can be recycled or composted.
And the photo is very cool. :-)
Good for you Robin. It's people like that who spoil it for the rest of us.
Happy Earth Day to you! It was a wonderful thing to pick up after the people (feel free to call them names in my presence - - LOL). ;)
Your photo is really amazing. Let's see here...you have the gift of knitting [in spades], spinning, photography, mothering et al. C'mon on down & move in with us Robin! :^)
Incredible photo. I need to buy the reusable bags, but in the meantime, we do reuse and recycle the plastic ones...
I want a redbud. I'm almost consumed with the notion. I'm pretty sure now is the time to plant one...
Continued thoughts & prayers for Hank & those who love him.
Just visiting your blog through another blog...and yes, I could rant with you. Being an avid rock climber I camp a lot and I have seen many a disaster left behind by people in beautiful areas...really sad, when it is so easy to clean up and just haul your garbage out with you. Awesome image BTW.
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