Wednesday, March 15, 2006

You've been scanned!

Well...I'm getting ready to leave for Florida so I probably won't be updating until I return next week. I have all my knitting ready to go, seeing as how we are driving I will have plenty of time (14 hrs ONE WAY) for possibly compeleting a project or 2...or 3! I also have my list of yarn shops to visit while on the trip! I don't make pee stops...I brake for yarn shops! there's an idea for a bumper sticker!

I found this little kitty on another blog and thought I would test my friends! If you are're ALL ok!

The two things I'm going to miss for the next 6 days is my spinning wheel and my kitty cat!

Goodbye for now....and I'll catch up next week!

1 comment:

Nana Sadie said...

Have a safe trip, Robin, and BUY YARN!