Monday, November 14, 2005

Countdown to Christmas begins...

The countdown begins...I'm only counting in weeks for now...6 weeks...and my needles are going faster than I ever imagined! Last night for the first time in a couple of weeks I had to spend a little time with my spinning wheel, it was feeling a little neglected! We are getting ready to go out of town for a few days so I'm busy getting all my projects "ready for travel" making sure I'm not without something to work on AND of course, I've mentally marked all the fiber shops in the Asheville area! My books and camera will be along as well so I hope to have pictures posted later on.
It's very hard to believe how Christmas is pushed further and further ahead of Thanksgiving every year. My father plays Santa at the local mall and believe it or not he started a week ago! I can remember as a child it was the big thing to go the day after Christmas to see Santa ride in either on a helicopter, fire truck or horse days it's no big thing. The day after Christmas is 'The Big Shopping Day' which I could do without. Having worked in retail SUCKS! I won't even go near a mall for at least a week after own way of boycotting. The sales don't get any fact, I have found some things at the same price or better than the "Day after Thanksgiving." The real meaning of Christmas has been forgotten, our societies values are crumbling.

And for more ranting...(just something I need to vent on)

For the most part children are not being taught values. My daughter works in a local retail store...a young lady she goes to school with was hired 2 weeks ago, she was fired Saturday for not showing up to work on 2 occassions. In my opinion this reflects on the fact that children are given everything these days and not taught to work for things they want. I was not given a car...nor has any of my children, they have had to buy their own...and you know what! They have appreciated that first car, so many of the kids these days will wreck their first car because "mommy & daddy will get them another one." I better quit while I'm ahead....Okay, enough of that rant!
Better get to knitting...

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